Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Adventures in Data Science: Progress

While brushing up on the algebra skills required for this Machine Learning course, I finished  "Logic and Computational Thinking" from Microsoft on EdEx.
I really enjoyed this course and so chose to go a little deeper with the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate, on Coursera.

The certificate consists of 9 courses, (I'm currently on #8) and so far I've learnt a lot about programming in python, data science methodology, SQL, databases, regression analysis, model evaluation and machine learning algorithms. The 7th course was "Data Visualisation with Python" and among other things I was able to turn raw data on 2016 crime rates in San Francisco into the Chloropleth Map below; so satisfying!
You can see the code for the data analysis and map creation on my Github here.
Raw crime data

Chloropleth map showing crime rates in San Francisco in 2016

Learning about data science and programming online has been the perfect mental stimulant for me while I negotiate the joyous yet tiring demands of being a new parent. The way the courses operate, I'm able to watch lectures and complete labs during naps, and complete longer assignments on the weekend. Having a tangible sense of progress and achievement in a new field has been really valuable to my sense of self, especially on the days when baby care seems all consuming.

Course certificate for Data Visualisation with Python

Once I finish this certificate, I think I'll focus on machine learning and a deep dive into python programming, so watch this space. If you're also getting into data science I would love to hear about what you're learning, the platforms you're using and what your goals are.